Samantha Charlotte's profile

Stability within Dysfunction

The forms I create push the conventional boundaries and physical limitations of ceramics as a sculptural medium. The experience and knowledge I have gained as a ceramicist has allowed me to utilise the expressive qualities that are inherent in this specialist material and communicate fully, without caution, my love of this medium to the viewer.
This dysfunctional family of forms is searching for balance, they each contain a weight that changes their structure by adding pressure and tension to the areas they rest upon. The weight is represented by a sphere that varies in size and positioning, metamorphosing each form into something uniquely different from the last. A dialogue has been created between these forms, they are in conversation with one another, communicating notions of sensitivity, individuality, frustration and conflict.
These sculptures are intended to be viewed from multiple angles and perspectives, so that all the subtle changes in the fluidity of their forms and surface textures can be experienced fully. The hardwood floor works in harmony with the forms, giving the illusion that they have grown from this surface. There is no front or back to these works, no right or wrong way to view them. They are designed aesthetically, to entice the viewer into interacting with them physically through the use of tactile handling.
Collection: Stability within Dysfunction.
Stability within Dysfunction

Stability within Dysfunction

Dysfunctional family of ceramic sculptures.
