Rick Rampage is an HTML5 game programmed in the Javascript game framework, Phaser.js. It was a collaborative project produced in the tech school, General Assembly's Web Development Immersive Course in Sydney, Australia. I first thought up the game while viewing some Javascript game demo's at a SydJS meetup. I wanted to build a tribute game mimicking the old Super Nintendo/Arcade styles. I created most of the art in Photoshop, deliberately making the elements in 8-bit style. I also borrowed some from Megaman X and Metal Slug. I designed the page layouts and coded the front-end as well. Check out the game and see if you can beat my top score at http://rickrampage.herokuapp.com/statics/game.
I first drew Rick in Photoshop in 8-bit style.
Then I had to make several frames of Rick in slightly altered position to animate him jumping and running.
Enemies and Platforms/background elements borrowed from Megaman X and Metal Slug.
The logo.
The main menu screen.
Integrated into the page frame.
About Page.
Rick Rampage

Rick Rampage

Rick Rampage is an HTML5 game programmed in the Javascript game framework, Phaser.js. It was a collaborative project produced in the tech school, Read More
