Karen Oetling's profile

Pensamientos volátiles

Los pensamientos son sumamente personales, se fusionan con lo más profundo de nuestro ser;
es de éste de donde nacen para crecer, ideas que salen de la mente y maduran hasta poder volar.
Óleo sobre lienzo. 1.50x1.90 mts. 2014.
Thoughts are very personal, they fuse with the depths of our being; this is where they're born to grow,
ideas that come out from our minds and mature to fly. 
Oil on canvas. 1.50x1.90 mts. 2014.
Pensamientos volátiles

Pensamientos volátiles

Commissioned painting. Inspired by the idea of thoughts, how they fuse and born in the depth of our being and mature to fly away.
