Lee Riley's profile

Lee Riley Designs - Studio Tour

 Welcome to the Tour!
  What started out as a simple typographic assignment turned into a full microsite for the fictional Lee Riley Designs Studio. The original assignment was to illustrate two words ('yell' and 'whisper') only using letters.

View the first portion of the assignment.
And We're Scrolling...
 The second portion of the assignment consisted of creating a visual interpretation of the words ('yell' and 'whisper') without using any letters. In order to capture the essence these words, I decided to create an animation with two cartoon characters "Yell" and "Whisper".

View the second portion of the assignment.

Still Scrolling...
The third part of the assignment was to combine the two previous exercises into one. I decided to create an environment where the two characters could interact and take it a step further. This is where the 'Break Room' concept began – the first part of the new studios.

View the third portion of the assignment.
We've Arrived!
And we're here! The official site of the Lee Riley Designs Studio Tour. The final part of this assignment was to package all the contents into a unique way. I decided to create a mock studio tour for Lee Riley Designs. The tour is led by the characters and takes the user through various places in the studios. There are multiple 'Easter eggs' hidden throughout the site to enhance the interactivity.
View the full site and tour here.
Lee Riley Designs - Studio Tour

Lee Riley Designs - Studio Tour

The Lee Riley Designs Studio Tour is a fictional backlot tour of the Lee Riley Designs Studio. Originally a typographic assignment, the project p Read More
