Word Length (green)
These transparent panels of acrylic, glass, and aluminum, based on Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, seek to free the words from their context through non-objectivity. 
Each panel is composed of blocks of color, one tile per letter, the color determined by a specific trait about the words that compose the speech. In this way, the panels obliquely display the Gettysburg Address through a jumble of colors, seemingly nonsensical, but all held together as a single, solid mass by the acrylic resin behind and around the tiles. 

These works, when hung in a window, acted as small stained-glass panels. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to photograph the pieces during the day while they were being exhibited.
 Section of codex for Gettysburg series
Works were created based on the types of words, origins of words, and lengths of words.The last code "Word Start (blue)" was not used.
Word Origin (yellow)
Word Length (green)Detail, construction
Detail, Construction
"Word Length (green)", "Word Origin (yellow)", and "Word Type (red)", from left to right.


A set of 3 translucent acrylic panels, all based on different metadata for Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address.
