Music videos
Video production is a complex process. 
But still, in the works, shown below — I did most of the job. From holding the camera, to visual effects.

The Glitchh — Trap
It was a great expirience. I asked my friend Porno Prince to help me with VHS shots — I needed his style to show “the reallity”, opposite to my digital shots. 
I've shot a lot of timelapses to show the transient time. I've even used some shots from my very own archive (the moment with summer turning winter) to sell the effect.​​​​​​​
Chess club underground society
This piece is a compilation of videos, shot during “Chess Club” times. Some were used as concert backgrounds, another — just for fun. It is fully documentary.
Mikhey Nosorogov is one of today's belorussian brilliant artists.
I got a call from him, saying: “Let's make a video in black and white, and then invert it”. And we did :)
Everything was shot at his kitchen (accept obvious street shots — those I made, travelling back home).
The song is about a journey of a man, travelling to a woman, carring all of his monsters inside.
And to finalize this — one of my first video works. Made in one night. Shot and done. I just love it.
Co-authored with my brother.
music: paavoharju
Video Works


Video Works
