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ANALYZE: Book 1 Synchronicity and Numerology

ANALYZE is an educational series which focuses on revealing different perspectives, beliefs and uses for numbers outside of the traditional      methods that immediately come to mind.

I was drawn to Synchronicity and Numerology when exploring ideas as it would allow for the reader to uncover new truths or perspectives about themselves. Taking the idea of making numbers ‘fun’, I wanted to include personal/interactive elements to engage the reader and ensure the publication was memorable. I decided to offer the reader with tools to uncover their own numerology numbers and the meanings behind them. 
These could then be filled in with the use of fill-in survey sheets and postcards provided.

Uncovering personal numbers then sparked the idea of ‘reveals’. To remain cohesive throughout the publication, I explored this theme through typographical elements, paper stock and interactive elements. (tracing paper, scored out type, peel-back strips etc). An element which became a key component in the publication was the hidden code. Throughout the publication I decided to hide numerical fragments of code to later be combined 
to uncover a hidden message at the end of the publication. Taking inspiration from computer coding as well as Morse code, this idea 
allowed for further interactivity.
ANALYZE: Book 1 Synchronicity and Numerology

ANALYZE: Book 1 Synchronicity and Numerology
