Given the popularity of George Orwell's 1984 there are many book covers out there, pretty much all of them doing the book justice. I guess they don't give this job to rookies, but seasoned designers out of respect for the manuscript. But having read it just recently, I just had to have my take on it.
My Winston becomes a ghost of a man as soon as he has a copy of the Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism in his hands. The stripes of the chair just indicate of what is to come. Having explored narcissism these past few years, I see his Julia as a total narc, hence the daffodil. 
The title is written in letters referring that we need to see the writing on the wall (notice and interpret apparent signs or indications that something will or is about to happen in the future, especially something bad or unfortunate). Every letter E is transformed alluding to the job Winston does in the Ministry of Truth- re- writing historical records to conform to the state's ever- changing version of history.
The eye in the title needs no explanation- it's too obvious that the Big Brother is watching.
As many have already said- 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual.
1984 book cover


1984 book cover

1984 book cover
