Mural Azalea
creating a homey feeling

Some time ago a housing corporation asked me to come by and brainstorm with them about the decorations in their buildings. They were used to just hang a little painting, to have something hanging on the wall. But it was missing that homey feeling.

After our brainstorm session, I came up with the idea of a mural. Something that would be meaningful for the building and the area. But would also look classic and gives a peaceful feeling when entering the building.

The name of the building is Azalea. That is a beautiful flower that you can find a lot in that area. So I decided to make that the center of my artwork and the only thing in color. To show the importance of the flowers. The city the building is in, is full of little music events, and to make the artwork playful, I designed a organic shaped piano. 
The most important thing for the housing corporation was the feeling of coming home, no matter where you come from. I therefore decided to work with the compass. In Dutch there is a saying: Oost, west, thuis best. That means wherever you go, nothing feels better than the feeling of your own, happy, protected and cozy home. In the middle of the compass you see the statue that you can also find in the center of the city. 
Thank you for watching
Mural Azalea

Mural Azalea

Mural Azalea
