Project Khudi
The Project Khudi is the very beginning of my journey that I needed, to make for       finding my true self. The project was executed during the period I was studying for CA, something kept me pulling towards creating and pouring out my mind. The medium was alien to me but I wasn't scared of the feeling anymore. This project makes the beginning of my eternal journey.
In-Door set and Lighting
The scene was set in my garage, with n-number of trials for the lighting and making a cutting light with A4 white paper in shape of wider cone so that the light reflects enough to light us the scene. Working on this mostly alone took me months to shoot everything. 
Everything about this film was this short was first time for, Starting from Acting, Shooting, Lighting , Post Production. It gave me a chance to learn a lot
Band - The Local Train
Song Name - Khudi

Music is an essential part of me and my everyday routine. Which also plays part in my emotions and energy. I feel connected to the band The Local Train as I find myself and my emotions in the music, lyrics, and their energy. Their songs drive me forward and motivate me to never stop. It's a must listen.

Grooving on every beat.
October '17

October '17
October '17
Calm yet Energetic.
October '17
Project Khudi

Project Khudi
