Samantha Jackson's profile

Adventures in Skyrim

Images 1-4: Early color sketches of the background and figures for directional reference
Image 1: Just background
Image 2: Figures in original position, facing each other (actual poses were determined by the commissioner early in the process)
Image 3: Figures in 2nd position, back to each other
Image 4: Early combination of figures on the background for placement and composition clarity
Image 5: Expression options I presented to the commissioner for consideration. We decided on the "Cocky" expressions for both
Meet Marjorie and Justin.... If you are the bandits, this will be a short relationship.
As they return to Whiterun, ready to rest and celebrate after a year-long journey adventuring together, a gang of bandits jump out from behind them and start making demands. The adventurers aren't interested. They draw their weapons with a knowing glance at one another, and charge into battle

This picture was commissioned by one of the couple as an anniversary gift for the other. Skyrim is a favorite game of theirs, so the scene takes place in Skyrim just outside of Whiterun. The lass is dressed in some Dragonborn gear, and the lad is in the Thieves' Guild armor. They both have an Amulet of Mara, a symbol of engagement.

Drawn in Photoshop CS6 with my new Cintiq! 
Adventures in Skyrim

Adventures in Skyrim

Process & Result: Adventuring duo in Skyrim, ready to jump into battle.
