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Does dandruff shampoo work? Here's what to do to stop d

Does dandruff shampoo work? Here's what to do to stop dandruff in your hair
A healthy scalp is the premise of beautiful and lively hair. In this context, treatments that combat oiliness and root peeling are one of the major concerns highlighted in daily care. You need to invest in a routine that guarantees “free, light and loose” hair… - and without the dreaded  dandruff ! And for that, dandruff shampoo is a great ally.

Yes, dandruff is a major inconvenience that is directly related to the health of the scalp - that is, it demands the use of specific and quality products.

Next, learn more about what it is, how to avoid it and how to deal with this problem with the right dandruff shampoo ! Follow.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is a very common problem that affects thousands of people with different types of hair. It is a condition of the scalp caused by the so-called  seborrheic dermatitis or, simply, seborrhea . Seborrheic dermatitis commonly causes irritation, itching, spots and small sores on the scalp - which peel off in the form of white scabs - which we know as "dandruff".

The appearance of the condition is related to the increase of sebum in the scalp region, which is due to genetic variations or exposure to external agents (we will see some of the main factors below). It is important to note that, although dandruff can be a situational factor, it involves the need for an efficient treatment to combat its manifestation.

What causes dandruff?

Several factors can cause dandruff, here are the main ones:

*Genetic factors;
*Excess oil on the scalp;
*Use of very hot water to wash the wires;
*Frequent use of hats, caps and other props that smother the scalp;
*Use of wrong products or inadequate hygiene.
How to end dandruff?

Nowadays there are already very efficient alternatives to fight dandruff and adopting an intelligent behavior makes all the difference to end the manifestation of this disease.

Among the actions you can take in your daily life are:

*Avoid washing your hair in very hot water;
*Be careful with excess heat from hair dryers and the like;
*Use dandruff shampoo - which is really suitable for this;
*Avoid wearing caps and hats;
*Adopt specific remedies and antifungals for this purpose - according to medical *recommendation.

What is the best type of dandruff shampoo?

There are many options of shampoos that promise to end the appearance of dandruff, but you must be careful when choosing to make the product really efficient. Always do research on the brand, check the composition of the product, ask your dermatologist for directions - these care will help you find the ideal best natural dandruff shampoo.

Still, it is worth mentioning that it is possible to guarantee an anti-dandruff shampoo 100% natural - and the best: it can be done without leaving the house! To do this, just follow the recipe:


*1 tablespoon of cider vinegar;
*60 ml of mild natural shampoo;
*60 ml of water;
*15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
*15 drops of lavender essential oil;
*10 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Production / execution mode:

Just add all the ingredients in a container and mix well. For application, just spread the shampoo on the scalp, massaging well. Leave to act for 2 to 5 minutes and remove the product completely.

The results of this solution are usually surprising and guarantee an improvement in the appearance of the scalp in a few weeks. However, before adopting it, it is worth talking to your doctor to check if you are not allergic to any of these components.

How often should I use dandruff shampoo?

Anti-dandruff shampoo needs to be used regularly on the hair so that it offers really efficient results for the health of your hair. Therefore, it should be applied at least  three times a week during washing.

Does dandruff shampoo work? Here's what to do to stop d

Does dandruff shampoo work? Here's what to do to stop d


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