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Aerosmith Concert Poster | Typography Fundamentals

Aerosmith Concert Poster | Typography Fundamentals

This is a concert and lyric posters  I designed for my final assignment of my Typography Fundamentals subject. This design objective of this project is to express the chorus of the chosen song by applying compatible design concept which can emphasize the mood and also the atmosphere given from the band of our choice.
The tone & manner for my poster are adoring, sentimental and inspiring and they are referenced to pop rock culture in 1970s.
I was inspired by their logo, as it portrays the wings wanting to fly away to meet their vision and goals. At that moment, I realize that using one of their hit songs entitled ‘Fly Away From Here’ could be express harmoniously along side with texture rock typography.
Aerosmith Concert Poster | Typography Fundamentals


Aerosmith Concert Poster | Typography Fundamentals

It is A2 sized lyrics and concert poster project.
