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Transitioning into a Vegan Diet

Edwin Hammond Meredith, a spec driver for Score International in Baja, Mexico, has a diverse array of hobbies. In addition to sporting activities and interests, Edwin Hammond Meredith is also a vegan.

Veganism is more than just a diet. It is a lifestyle choice that incorporates the philosophy of not harming other animals. Using terms such as “cheating” and “going on a diet” convey the change is temporary when most successful vegans adopt the entire philosophy, which is a permanent change.

However, the decision to switch to a vegan diet comes along before a person adopts a solely plant-based diet. Transitioning into this diet can be difficult, but it can be done in a few ways.

In preparation for making the shift to a vegan, learn about the diet itself. Research the benefits of adopting the diet, and look for documentaries, books, articles, blogs, forums, and other literature that provide information on the topic. Also, pay attention to ingredient lists to learn how to detect vegan products as opposed to products posing as vegan foods.

When starting on the diet, it is easier to add to the diet than to subtract and sometimes feel deprived. Add legumes and other plant-based foods to the diet, and include vegan recipes a few times a week. Begin to switch out dairy products for alternatives. Plant-based milk made from soy, almonds, rice, and coconut are great alternatives for dairy or cow's milk.

Remember to include supplements. While a vegan diet has been proven to be healthier, there are some nutrients that only animals can provide. For example, animals are a source of Vitamins D and B12, which can be supplemented.

Another thing to remember is that adopting a vegan diet requires the same discipline as normal diets. A person can consume a lot of sugar and fats, but not consume animal products. For example, cotton candy has no animal product but is hardly a good nutritional source.
Transitioning into a Vegan Diet

Transitioning into a Vegan Diet


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