Combination - I thought a visual pun would be a fun way to present the idea.
Juxtaposition - I put a kid pretending to go to space in space. What kid hasn't imagined going to space?
Isolation - This one kind of speaks for itself.
Metaphor - Eating those donuts could come back to bite you.
Change of Environment - I thought you usually found pirate treasure on the ocean floor...
Change of Material - Something about that apple seems off.
Physical Shape Similarity - Buildings are so boxy!
Examples of the Seven Creative Strategies using a box, created for my Graphic Design course at BYU-I. The idea was communicate a message, therefore I opted for a simpler drawing style so I could focus more on the message. 

I chose a box because to me they represent imagination, possibility, and mystery. The strategies employed are presented in the following order: Combination, Juxtaposition, Metaphor/Simile, Change of Context/Environment, Material Change/Swap/Focus, Isolation, and Physical Shape/Similarity.

