Isaac Biag's profile

Statement of Intent & Project Rationale

We wanted to focus on identity, reputation, and taste regimes in regards to targeted advertising.

Statement of Intent
Our intention is to raise awareness of how our personal information and data is being stored and used by social media platforms, so that we can ensure we receive content that is appropriate to our selected interests, rather than algorithms determining our interests.

Our target audiences are at an age range of 18-29. According to Hughes (2020), statistics shows that this approximate age group used social media the most each day in Australia in 2018. With this many users, there are sure to be companies targeting these users with content, which may not be the content some of these users want. We would want these users to have better control over the content they receive. Our targeted audiences also include younger users below ages of 12, and our design concept ensures that these users are safe from receiving inappropriate content.

Some early concept design sketches and ideas
The above is our first sketch, which is when we were figuring out a way to combine two different in a way where they are in one place.
The image above was a list of concept ideas that Sebastian wrote down.
The image above is a concept sketch Isaac made of what our design would look like as a browser extension. 
Statement of Intent & Project Rationale


Statement of Intent & Project Rationale

Social Media Project 2
