The concept for LUXCity was to create large-scale structures that use light to create spaces within the demolished CBD of Christchurch. As part of the FESTA Festival of transitional Architecture, over 350 students from across New Zealand installed 16 of the installations. Through the use of large-scale demoltion machinary, structures that were both ephemeral and contended with the vast urban scale bought back life and vibrancy to the vacant city.
Murmur is a collaboration between a group of 11 students from the University of Auckland School of Architecture and Planning. Composed of six columns made up of over 30,000 polysteyrne cups suspended beneath a 500 sq.m silver canopy by a crane, the idea was to create an organic ephermeral space where the public of Christchurch could come and interact with.
Silver bean-bags below the silver canopy created a unity between the two elements, creating an atmosphere of being inside a living organism. Coloured stage lights were placed under each cup column and programmed to slowly change colour through-out the night. This further emphasized the ephermeral aspect of the design and allowed for the feel of the space to constantly change depending on the colour of the lights. Soft music was also played on the night, with the lights being triggered by it.
Furthermore, the silver canopy would gently move in the breeze, envoking images of a beating heart of a murmur of starlings. An estimated 30,000 people interacted with LUXCity on the night.
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Architectural installation in Christchurch 2012 as part of LUXCity for the FESTA Festival of Transitional Architecture. Student Group: Alex Sull Read More
