Mental lament
What is "Mental lament"? Mental lament is an idea that focuses on mental health and mental thinking. Mental is described as 'relating to the mind' Lament or lamenting, is described as 'a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. The main idea for my project though is the thought and theory of outlandish ideas. Parapsychology is the study of mental phenomena, such as telepathy, telekinesis and precognition. However, my project would also relate to the issue of mental health among current youth.
The inspiration for this project comes from two primary sources; Black Mirror Bandersnatch and Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone. Bandersnatch is a film about a young programmer attempting to make a video game, however as he struggles to make it, reality becomes more and more distorted as you the viewer determine his actions of whether or not he yells as his father or pours tea on his computer. Spirit Phone is an album by artist Lemon Demon, the album is a collection of songs which tell stories of the supernatural, paranormal and extra terrestrial encounters. From ghost stalkers to cavemen meeting aliens. Conspiracies and the unknown. These two sources are distinctly different however share similar feelings of anxiety, paranoia and the supernatural. These are themes that I wish to emulate with my pieces, art that depicts characters in unusual and strange places, the feeling of being watched and having to cope with the unknown. With these themes a real world issue is present. That of mental health, which has become more of an issue worth focusing on as many young people seem to struggle in their daily lives despite the absence of war, famine and plagues. 
These concepts will be molded and presented into ideas that a younger audience might see in their daily lives. To give a sense of familiarity.
Mental Lament

Mental Lament
