Keso Kuchukhidze's profile

Beyond the body our veins are invisible

Seven  Chakra
The 7 chakras in the body are distinct energy centers that start at the top of your head and end at the bottom of your spine. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, influencing everything from emotional processing to resistance to disease.
Muladhara is foundational. When all is well with this chakra, you’ll feel secure, calm and anchored in reality.
Svadhishthana is key to your creative energy. It is related not only to pursuits of artistry and the imagination but also to your sexuality and your capacity for change in all areas of life. 
Manipura is often thought of as vital for self-esteem, autonomy, and determination. Consequently, it is sometimes called the “personal power” chakra.
Anahata is intimately connected to your capacity for love and compassion in all their forms. It is sometimes described as a bridge between the mind, body, and spirit.
Vishuddha regulates your self-expression in all senses, influencing how authentically you convey your deepest self to the world. 
Ajna is a powerful energy source when it is working well. It determines your intuition, your alignment with the Universe, and your ability to see the bigger picture in life.
Finally, Sahasrara the highest chakra, is what determines your spiritual connectivity.  Given its place as the highest chakra, it is vital in creating a life you love, and in attaining a feeling of peace. 
Beyond the body our veins are invisible


Beyond the body our veins are invisible
