Mariana Quiñones's profile

Monstruos Cotidianos (Everyday Monsters)

Monstruos Cotidianos (Everyday Monsters)
It is a book in the shape of an accordion that shows some monsters created from everyday objects. It's an update of a type of Japanese yokais called: Tsukumogami. These yōkais are everyday objects that when they turn one hundred years old come to life, moreover they can be evil or benign according to the use their owner gave them. My particular Tsukumogami appear in the front of this foldout while at the back we can find a brief description always with a touch of humor. The project also included a couple of extra cards with more content. 

I really enjoyed creating this project, in total I created six everyday monsters with their respective stories. It's fun because on one side of the book you can see all the monsters and on the other side is the story of each of the monsters. 

"It has long been thought that many of the mysteries that occur in our homes are simply chance or coincidence. And this means that we are not given the necessary attention. But, if we stop a little and pay enough attention, we will discover that certain everyday objects in our homes are inhabited by some beings that we could call monsters. Many people will not believe these and will continue to insist that they are mere coincidences or the simple clumsiness of people. But I come to open your eyes and to discover the reality that we have ignored for many years, perhaps for fear of the unknown. That is why I am going to present you with some of these Daily Monsters that accompany us day by day."
Monstruos Cotidianos (Everyday Monsters)


Monstruos Cotidianos (Everyday Monsters)

Es un libro en forma de acordeón que enseña unos monstruos creados a partir de objetos cotidianos. A cada monstruo le acompaña una descripción si Read More
