Anti Design.

This project is born from a thought that I had the other day. We all generally lived under certain rules and we are not as free as everyone would like to think. Take something that I love: design. Who establishes the rules for the beauty of the graphics? A large proportion of graphic work today is ugly. Well, that is at least according to the standards set and the work of professionals. We applauded certain structures and searches. All towards a harmony and visual construction where we all collectively determine what is aesthetically pleasing. However, the majority of people don’t see it like this. We can call them beauty illiterate if we like, but the truth is that we are in a minority of people who want everything to look beautiful.
So it occurred to me that instead of making the ugly beautiful, to make the beautiful ugly. I choose a selection of projects that I liked and attempted to make them as ugly as possible. Again, ugly from what I believe ugly to be.
The truth is that it hurts me to destroy such beauty and harmony. It wasn’t difficult, but it was painful. I tried to use the same elements and layouts but within everything that I didn’t like. 
Let’s see what they think.
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Anti Design.
Este proyecto nace de un pensamiento que tuve el otro día. Pensaba, en que en general vivimos bajo normas establecidas. No somos libres de que cada uno piense lo que quiera. Tomemos algo que me apasiona, el diseño. Quién establece las normas de la belleza gráfica? La mayoría del trabajo gráfico allá afuera es feo. Al menos de acuerdo a las normas gráficas y visuales de los profesionales de la imagen. Aplaudimos ciertas estructuras o búsquedas. Todas hacia una armonía y construcción visual, que todos como colectivo determinamos estéticamente hermoso. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de la gente, no lo ve así. Podemos llamarlos analfabetos de la belleza si queremos, pero la verdad es que somos minoría los que queremos que todo se vea hermoso, de acuerdo a nuestros parámetros, obviamente. 
Entonces se me ocurrió el en vez de hacer lindo lo feo. Hacer feo lo lindo. Elegí una serie de proyectos que me gustaban por su trabajo e intenté hacerlos lo más feo posibles. Otra vez, feo de acuerdo a lo que yo, dentro de mi castración, considero feo.
La verdad que me dolía destruir la armonía. No me era difícil, debido a mi poca habilidad. Pero si me dolía. Intenté usar los mismos elementos y distribuciones, pero usando todo lo que no me gusta.
A ver que piensan.
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Thanks to Jason Teegarden-Downs from the Delicious Design Leage to let me "destroy" they amazing designs.  Their work is awesome. Thanks for make the world look nicer. 
Brad Woodard it's such a great designer. I love his work. Thank you to let me "retouch" your work and make it ugly. I hope we have the chance to work togehter one day. 
Thanks so much to Lauren Hom, for let me "kill" one of her super designs of Daily Deshonesty. Lauren work with me at Lola, she is great. A really young talent that will bring a lot to this world. 
I love this project. Thanks James Gulliver Hancock for let me "re design" the cover of your All the Buildings in New York book. It's a wonderful piece and I feel really thankful when you acept to let me do it. Thanks again. 
Thanks to Meng Yang, to let me play with his amazing work Great Lakes States Project, a really inspiring work. I feel bad by touching more of two pieces of this project. Each State is a piece of art. Thank Meng. 
Anti Design


Anti Design

This project is born from a thought that I had the other day. We all generally lived under certain rules and we are not as free as everyone would Read More
