Graphic Design Work
A collection of my greatest hits.

Album Artwork
A passion of mine is music, and music needs artwork. Below are covers made by me for myself and my brother.
Juxtaposition and 
Contrast - poster
I made this poster in response to a brief that called for a representation of Juxtaposition and Contrast through an art piece. This was the result, it's my favourite piece of work I've made to date. I think it answers the brief well, it has contrast both graphically but also within the subjects, both are throwing an object but with two completely different motives.
Branding - mockups
As a self proclaimed connoisseur of fine lagers and a lover of good design I rejoiced at this project. When gazing upon the shelves of Tesco I realised how bland the beer shelves were but also how great the spirits section was. I set out to try and combine the two, the information and flavour profiling of spirits labels with the more minimalist styling I've seen on microbrews and in general on the current design landscape.​​​​​​​
These (below) came as a result of a passion project, much like the above I found the packaging for coffee boring and everything looked similar on the shelves. The coffee packs below are my response to that, a label that has an emphasis on graphic design, i incorporated my photography. The brown packaging was something I hadn't seen on shelves (in supermarkets) and its also compostable/eco-conscious.
Double Page Spread 
- layout design
The Brief called for a double page read on a cultural icon, naturally as a huge fan of Oasis. That cultural icon (God) is Liam Gallagher. The brief allowed the use of an existing article, which i took from an NME article. Cheers Lads. 
Fair Use, not made for publication.
Book Cover Redesign 
- collage  
I kept this simple, I used lots of paper cutouts that I then scanned in. I created a collage of images relating to aspects of the book such as, population surveillance and austerity. Eyes are featured heavily as I think they feel very intimate and personal just like the book, but it also ties in with the theme of the dystopian society within the book where everyone is surveilled.
Jack Abbott 2020
JA Graphics

JA Graphics

A collection of my Best graphic design work to date.
