Chen-Yu, Chang's profile

2017 ASE CSR report

日月光深耕半導體封測與組裝,持續創新發展佈局全球,用正向循環包覆世界深淺綠意,鯤鵬展翅實現永續未來, 蝴蝶、瓢蟲遇見著生機盎然,真誠經營善盡企業社會責任,構築以人為本、環境共生、和諧共榮的幸福感, 前瞻思維整合多元與微型化技術,共創著時代領路的物聯科技,生生不息的智慧創新。

At ASE, we have been cultivating our expertise in semiconductor assembly, test and system integration, and expanding our innovation and footprint globally. Like the vitality of the butterfly and the ladybug, we embrace great aspirations to achieve a sustainable future for the world. Our corporate sustainability is built upon a strong foundation that is people-oriented and in joyous harmony with the environment. We transform revolutionary ideas that incorporate multifaceted and miniaturization technologies to invent leading-edge solutions in the IoT age. Together with sustainability, our technology and innovation will continue at full strength in the smart millennium.


日月光企業社會責任報告書:中文版 |英文版
ASE CSR report : Chinese | English
Type: Print Design
Year: 2018.05
Design: Chen Yu, Chang
Photography: 默客影像
2017 ASE CSR report


2017 ASE CSR report

2017 ASE CSR report
