Photo by ekoherwantoro on Unsplash
After days of working with Indonesian ministry redesign that only 12 I finished (don't worry, I will continue on that again) I've come to the Olympics emblems design. I've actually already in the "clouds" of this since long ago, started from scratches in my high school notebook, doing research of past logo, inspiration, model, mascot and the list goes on (and I even have read the book of how to do bidding, requirements and such) lol what a geek. I've done some digital design too in the past but not really satisfied about it and relearn again and again to pack the concept better. Now I'm still in the learning stage and I've to say I come way far from where I started.
About the logo, I took inspiration from how our national heritage, Batik, looks like. There is a special batik that being stamp using a hand stamp made from copper blocks. The stamp is used in repeating pattern in order to create the batik. That's the spirit of togetherness and sportsmanship. Both logo that I created for the Olympic and Paralympic events are based on that stamp design look, one in set of 5 and one in set of 3. Both gives different results in the batik they produced but none is less beautiful than the other. That's the spirit of equality between ordinary people and people with different abilities.

The colours I used are from the Olympic ring and Paralympic agitos. Both color set is perfect in creating the logo since its simplicity and recognisability.
Jakarta 2032

Jakarta 2032

Logo Concept and Design for Jakarta 2032 Candidation
