Jack Hartigan's profile

100 Most Influentical Photos Of All Time.

100 Photos - the most influential photos of all time
My Favourite:
Muhammad Ali vs Sonny Liston 
Neil Leifer, May 25th 1965
This is a photo of a young heavyweight Muhammad Ali defeating an older more experienced heavyweight Sonny Liston to retain his title, the photo is captured at the moment Muhammad K.O Sonny just under 2 minutes into the first round.
This is my favourite photo because the energy in the photo is unbelievable as Muhammad stands tall over a wounded Sonny, as the crowd looks on suprised, and the contrast and colours mix well together.

What I Think Changed The World:
A Man On The Moon.
Neil Armstrong, July 20th 1969.
This is a picture of Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon, with Neil Armstrng capturing the moment, and you get to see the textures, and views from the moon which is amazing to see.
I believe this photo changed the world, because it shows how far humans have come and how far they can go.

Best Composition:
Micheal Jordan
Co Rentmeester, 2014
This is a photo of a young NBA star Micheal Jordan, doing his notorious shot that is the logo for his clothing deal with Nike
I believe this photo has the best composition because of how the photo is laid out and taken from a low angle and how the main attention is to Micheal Jordan who is in centre focus.  

What I believe Doesn't Fit In This List: 
The Critic 
Weegee 1943
I believe this photo doesn't fit because it is just two rich people and a poor drunk lady, and this photo does not have as much meaning as many others in the list. 

100 Most Influentical Photos Of All Time.

100 Most Influentical Photos Of All Time.
