Could you do more? After all little everyday actions add up to make a difference. Swapping out plastic bags for totes, bringing your own water bottle and recycling. The current climate crisis is more prominent than ever with even children taking the time to protest the need to change our outlook on climate change, as we are amongst the last generations who can repair the damage we have caused.

The world is deteriorating and we are to blame. Using only brown tones within my images  reinforces the idea of being natural and recyclable in order for my work to explore the power that humanity has over the environment.  There are so many small things that everyone can do to reduce the damage we cause on our planet, many of them  are just choosing to invest in greener alternatives to what we already have or just buying products without excessive packaging. So could you do more?
Cotton Footprint

Cotton Footprint

Could you do more? After all little everyday actions add up to make a difference. Swapping out plastic bags for totes, bringing you own water bot Read More
