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Multiplayer Shooting Game Fall 2019

Jet Fighters Shooting Game
The goal of the game is to provide an intensive, multiplayer experience. Each round of the game is short, between half minutes and three minutes. It's designed for scenarios such as hang out, waiting for taking out, etc., so a group of players can quickly start a game with their friends/families and finish it within 5 mins.

The game challenges the player’s teamwork and operation. The player needs to fight against other teams with his/her teammates. For Example, if you are in the blue team, kill greens and reds to win! The last survived team will be the winning team. Resources will be generated around the center area to encourage the player to fight! Obtain any resources will get score points (75) and extra experience as a reward. Kill an enemy will get (1000) points and additional experience as a reward. The maps have obstacles and boundaries, which marked as “radiation area.” the player’s health will decrease over time if the player has been to the radiation area.

游戏中,玩家需要和队友相互配合来击败敌方团队。用于提升玩家各项能力的资源会在地图中央处集中出现。地图中央处也是地图中最危险的敌方,不仅有移动的障碍物,也也是兵家必争之地。这样促使玩家团队需要平衡进攻策略。资源包括健康值,经验值,防御力,攻击力和暂时速度提升等。 玩家初始为1级,玩家可以通过收集经验值资源或者击败敌方来获得资源,每提升一级玩家的各项指标将会获得提升。当达到2级时玩家可以使用大招。当玩家离开游玩区域时玩家会持续收到大量伤害。
All scripts and design elements are developed by Jingfu Chen.

Unity HDRP 2019.3
Multiplayer Shooting Game Fall 2019

Multiplayer Shooting Game Fall 2019
