Isabelle Mattern's profile

The Sketchbook Project 2013

This Sketchbook, part of The Sketchbook Project, is now on its way to Brooklyn, New York, to be part of the 2013 Tour and the Brooklyn Art Library. If you can't make it to one of the sketchbook exhibitions which are mainly in Northern America (Brooklyn/NY, Austin/Texas, Atlanta/Georgia, Toronto/Canada, Chicago/Illinois, Portland/Oregon and San Francisco/California so far) from March to October 2013 there is also a digital version of it here.
The sketchbook is filled with accumulations of ink, collages and drawings, a promenade through different landscapes and sights
The digital version is viewable here.
Read all about the Sketchbook Project here.
See the TEDtalk here.
The Sketchbook Project 2013

The Sketchbook Project 2013

A sketchbook that is part of the Sketchbook Project 2013 and currently on tour through North America.
