C C's profile

Sweat/ Hard Work

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”


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Concept/ Idea
When work is challenging, success isn’t always easy, and the road to achieving it can be bumpy. Failing can even be a motivator that helps guide future success. When you have to struggle to overcome challenges, it can help you work even harder to achieve  your goals. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. It’s not secret that working hard seems to be deciding factor between those with talent who fail, and others who put that talent to work and excel. Success is more a combination of how hard one is willing to work or practice than the god given talents we are born with. What’s also common is that we see this in a variety of industries from the business world to professional sports. That’s the topic that I want to challenge. I will choose to go factory, market, old town, grocery store to photograph.

Sweat/ Hard Work


Sweat/ Hard Work

Hard-working people are worth to be recorded by the camera. All their hard work and sweat can be every beautiful moment and picture.


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