Team Size: 5
Role: Lead Programmer
August 2017 - November 2019

Librarians stalk the halls in search of you! Sneak through the library and don’t get caught. Traps are scattered throughout the maze, and stepping on them will make noise and attract the librarian’s attention.

As the lead programmer, I was in charge of coordinating the work of 3 other programmers on the project. In was responsible for the overall planning of the architecture as well as the programming pipeline for the project. After we switched from GitHub to Perforce, I was in charge of setting up and maintaining the Perforce server, as well as making sure merges happened smoothly. Additionally, I came up with coding standards and implemented code reviews, to improve code quality.
Some of the mechanics I wrote and implemented were:
- An algorithm for procedurally generating each level, which I continuously built upon over the course of the project. The algorithm handled the creation and placement of walls, passages, carpet, paintings, the exit, tables, stacks of books, the AI, and the player.
- A minimap which tracked the player and displayed parts of the level already visited by the player
- Placeable waypoints, that the player could use to mark certain locations in the level
- A saving and loading system, that supported multiple save files
- Flashlight sway, for aesthetic effect
- Player movement, including sprinting and stamina mechanics
- A pause system
- A control system for PC, Xbox Controllers, and PlayStation controllers, that would dynamically swap the UI to reflect which controller type the player most recently used


Below is gameplay for the first 5 levels of the game. The game consists of 20 levels, with increasing difficulty. An additional 20 levels are added when using New Game+

Below is a video showing off each type of ghost. 
- The Librarian, which will respond to and head towards noise such as falling books
- The Coward, which will flee from the sound of falling books
- The Reader, which will stop and read books on tables that it passes

The Libyrinth

The Libyrinth

A 3D Stealth Game using procedural generation.
