For January I decided to try the "Creatuanary 2020" art prompt list as part of my 2020 "365 Days of Art" where I create art everyday using Pantone's Color of the Year (Classic Blue, 19-4052) as the color in each art.
Day 01: Owl Woman (The Tah-tah-kle'-ah, Yakima legend)
Day 2: Pegasus
Day 3: Alicanto
Day 4: Fenrir
Day 5: Rhino-Goat
Day 6: Racoossum
Day 7: Mystery Creature 1: Trash Creature
Day 8: Morrigan
Day 9: Flying Scorpion
Day 10: Ammut
Day 11: Trauco
Day 12: Interstellar Creature
Day 13: 6-Limbed Creature
Day 14: Mystery Creature 2: Hephaestus
Day 15: Kapre
Day 16: Medusa
Day 17: Camahueto
Day 18: Bastet
Day 19: Aswang
Day 20: Byakko
Day 21: Mystery Creature #3: Valkyrie
Day 22: Ceratopsian Alien... a TMNT Triceraton.
Day 23: Cthulhu
Day 24: Fafnir
Day 25: Itzpapalotl
Day 26: Martian Raptor
Day 27: Siyokoy
Day 28: El Coquena
Day 29: Baba Yaga
Day 30: Infected Deer
Day 31: #felicianothefawn falls in love
Creatuanary 2020

Creatuanary 2020

For January I decided to try the "Creatuanary 2020" art prompt list as part of my 2020 "365 Days of Art" where I create art everyday using Panton Read More
