The World Wide Feast is a 3-day event that allows professional cooks and those interested in cooking to gather and share their techniques and methods with one another. This event also allows for restaurants to become vendors and sell their best dishes for the next three days with participants and event visitors.
The World Wide Feast is an event broadcasted mostly through social media and their corresponding platforms. However, as this event does span for three days, individuals who participate are able to pick up a pamphlet and read more into the event and share with others. This tri-fold brochure provides key information regarding the Feast, the key speakers, competitions and how to purchase tickets.  
As this is a 3-day food festival, there may be concerns regarding eco-friendly methods. However, the World Wide Feast provides for customers re-usable bags and take-out containers. These products are not a part of the ticket packages, but are available to all to purchase and reuse providing a discount for those that reuse during the event. These packages allow for not only event goers, but also those who would like to attend the next day to learn about the food festival.
The World Wide Feast is a 3-Day event. As this is a short event, the weeks leading into the event are optimal for advertising about what this festival will hold. The first advertisement targets around the area the event will be held. This informs the current audience already at this location from day to day about this event, but also draws in those who purchase tickets to the correct location. The billboard and signage allow for those driving or walking a moment to quickly understand the event without any need to step aside. These advertisements provide the information needed regarding the event while allowing for individuals to research themselves with the corresponding links. 
The World Wide Feast has advertisements that allow individuals to link directly back to their website. The website provides a full understanding about the event along with the information needed to host booths, speakers, ticket costs, competitions and such. This website is geared to provide users optimal use and understanding of the event. The contact us page allows for users to send in their questions or concerns, along with the map of this years location and the ability to subscribe to the newsletter about the event. 
The World Wide Feast mobile application varies slightly from the website. The mobile application allows users to create their own profile allowing for them to log-in and track their time at the festival. The mobile app provides them a digital copy of their ticket, which has a QR code allowing them to enter the event and the speaker seminars. The mobile application provides also provides a quick biography along with the awards of speakers they are interested in attending. 
World Wide Feast

World Wide Feast

The World Wide Feast is a 3-Day Event allowing professional chefs and those with an interest for cooking to gather and share their techniques and Read More
