Instagram Experience 2019

Event Sizzle Video for Instagram Experience 2019 #IGXIndia

With a very limited amount of time for ‘Instagram Experience’ (IGX), Instagram India’s flagship event of 2019, the team at Instagram India reached out to us to help them create a sizzle video for the event.

The sizzle needed to showcase content from India’s top Instagram creators, while also capturing what the Instagram community and Instagram as a platform stands for. In addition to this, we also needed to account for the event’s unique stage design. The venue had 6 different screens which were designed and positioned to represent Instagram’s ‘Explore’ page. The last aspect was to incorporate a live-performance section into the sizzle. This would be achieved by some of the screens becoming transparent to reveal a live performance area behind the screen.

The Instagram Experience Sizzle incorporated motion across a unique six-screen stage design

With a very limited amount of time to work with, Dynamite enlisted the help of experienced musician & performer Ankur Tewari to produce an original track for the sizzle. Using his expertise, Ankur brought on board the legendary music producer Rishi Rich, to work his magic and create a beat and produce the track. Additionally for the live performance aspect Ankur and the Instagram team enlisted the help of Dcypher (Gaurav Gambhir) a pioneer in India’s up-and-coming beatboxing scene. After an initial approval from Instagram’s team, Aknur penned down some rough words and recorded some scratch vocals all in a matter of hours.

The team at Dynamite used this rough version of the track to design their visuals and create their edits. Simultaneously, the track and lyrics underwent refinement after the Instagram Brand team gave their feedback on it. Ankur brought on rapper Huma Sayyed to add some extra ‘oomph’ to the track.

Our visual approach was to capture the Instagram aesthetic using their brand colours. Footage placed on their brand gradients instantly helped draw the eye towards the content while capturing a sense of boldness and scale. GIFs, stickers and additional UI design elements from Instagram’s interface helped bring all of the secondary screens to life. We used the 6 screens available to us to create playful movement, relying on editing to reinforce ‘eye-trace’ and to keep the viewer’s eye engaged at all times. A rapid montage/showcase style edit timed to the track’s faced paced rap lyrics helped maintain the energy of the sizzle and and live performance while simultaneously showcasing the platform’s biggest creators. The motion design was a combination of Instagram’s sleek UI animations as well as more fun/quirky animations that captured every instagrammer’s MOOD. The sizzle closed out with a giant video wall, showcasing footage from every big Indian creator, and a catchy chant to hype up the live audience.

While envisioning the #IGXIndia sizzle, Dynamite and the entire team helped seamlessly integrate design, motion, music and live performance.
Check out more projects on our website!


Event Sizzle Video for Instagram Experience 2019 #IGXIndia
