Problem: There are negative stereotypes towards Graphic Designers that put them in a box of individuals that can only “make pretty things.” We as graphic designers know that our education has taught us so much more! These stereotypes effect–not only designers’ reputations, but more significantly–people who could possibly work with us, specifically regarding business.
Objective: Not only tell people what designers offer, but also show them!
Solution: The Design Matters Conference! The Design Matters Conference is hosted with the intention of bringing together entrepreneurs, designers, and other professionals to form the use of good design within business, demonstrating the positive effects that a successful partnership between business and design can produce. Throughout the course of the weekend, participants will have the opportunity to listen to our speakers interact with them, and network with other professionals to make connections and begin the innovation process.
Innovate. Designers have spent their lives thinking creatively
Stand out. Designers create unique brand image to catch attention
Alter perception. Designers use methods to influence interaction
The poster series not only works as a campaign for the event, but also operates as informational. Those who do not understand why design matters, may understand it a bit more just by seeing these posters.
Design Matters.

Design Matters.
