Bharti Adwani's profile

Prachi Weds Aditya

Candid Photography for the Bride. 
Weddings usually are shown lavish in pictures, but this wedding was lavish at heart. 
Here I present you the wedding pictures of Prachi & Aditya.
Grah Shanti Pooja
Prachi's Haldi
The Baaraatis
Father Of The Bride

Mother Of The Bride

Brother of the Bride

The Bride
I see my shadow will leave me. I will be a different person from tomorrow. I may look more beautiful from tomorrow on the outer side but I will be much empty on the inner side. I may be moving forward but I will be leaving my marks at the place where I will be a guest forever. I will look myself in the mirror and find myself full of life and not full of life at the same time. I will be the feeling that would be in between both the feelings.
The Groom

Do you see me.. I see you?
True Happiness is when we are together.

The moment when the heart pounds.

Credits : Bharti Adwani
Prachi Weds Aditya

Prachi Weds Aditya

Weddings usually are shown lavish in pictures, but this wedding was lavish at heart.
