This was a branding project we had chose one word out of 6 listed in our brief, which we then got to take further into creating a company from the word. I chose the word ‘Fetish’ and from that created an underwear company called ‘French Fancies’. I created a website shown above and below and the packaging for the underwear to be placed in once sold. I also created a playing card given out with the boxes, which could then be collected. 
Direct Mailing project brief: Design your own envelope format to contain a graphic message to persuade us to attend the opening of a new shopping experience. Folding, cutting, use of materials is envisaged as a paramount consideration in the formulation of effective communication.
I decided to do my direct mailing piece for the Early Learning Centre and have a 3-piece mailing set. I wanted to make them look like building blocks to appeal to both children and adults.
If i where to re-do this project i would place the letter on the top rather then the logo, as the logo becomes very slightly unreadable. 


Branding projects from my time at university


Creative Fields