Cabin-X is a realtime cabin configuration tool that simplifies the process of designing aircraft cabins by automating seat placements based on cabin geometry, validations based on standardized rule-sets, visualizing and customizing the design of the interiors, etc.
During this time, I...

- Handled project definition and conducted necessary research, by interacting with potential clients in the industry
- Worked as the sole designer/programmer
- Wrote a spatially-aware LOPA generator for the seat plan generation
- Handled UI/UX design and programming
- Optimized the application to run on an iPad

- Unity Engine (Game Engine)
- C# in Visual Studio
- Simplygon (Simplifying aircraft and seat models)
- Blender (manual optimization of 3D assets)
- Git (for Source Control)
- Paint.NET (for 2D art assets, UI Mockups)


Cabin-X is a realtime aircraft LOPA generation and design tool developed for ZyenaLABS Technologies
