Client work on an Ad where they organised and shot the footage. I was asked to create the Puke and the aim was to make it not look disgusting as much as possible since it was already a controversial idea for an Ad that many people would probably not find tasteful.
Sadly at the end, the company that the Ad was intended for rejected it because of its idea.
I don’t know who shot the video or who is acting, so I can’t give credit to them, but I thought I’d share it to display my work and wouldn’t be a total waste.
I created the puke using Lagoa; Softimage’s fluid simulator. Everything was created & rendered inside softimage and finally composited in After Effects.

Although the idea was a bit controversial for an Ad and the idea took me by surprise, it was a fun project to work on. I hope you Enjoy!


Client work for a Puke simulation in a controversial Ad
