Alessandra Atzori's profileMilena Tipaldo's profile



BIOENERGY. Everything deserves a second chance, 2016
Video installation in mixed technique: live action, classic and digital animation and illustration
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Video installazione, 2016
"Just like a pile of random waste is the most beautiful of all worlds." Heraclitus
Video installation designed by MiraVideo and produced by Filmwork s.r.l. for setting up a route inside the Val di Fiemme processing plants, to tell how BioEnergia Trentino implements a circular economy system by producing clean energy from waste through a virtuous process that guarantees constant community control and environment protection. 
Spectators enter in the immersive room and find the silouhettes of life-size human figures waiting for them. From here begins the visual and poetic story through gestures, animations and symbols to emotionally tell the vision of the world that is at the base of this community.
Tavole layout
The aim of this project was to find a visual concept that, starting from the waste, could enhance both the virtuous process and the point of view that generated it. We have told it through the hands, to strengthen the idea that it is a collaboration of a people community who are carrying out this "care work" to create the well-being of every single citizen.
Layout of the two walls and the projection of the titles on the floor
Layout visualizzazione d'insieme
Frames videoinstallazione
Foto backstage
BioEnergia Valle di Fiemme  
Per l'inaugurazione BioEnergia Fiemme ha organizzato una serata con Luca Mercalli per parlare di Energia e Ambiente al Palacongressi di Cavalese

Progetto Mira Video
Direzione artistica e regia Alessandra Atzori e Milena Tipaldo
Illustrazioni e layout Milena Tipaldo
Fotografia e riprese Alessandra Atzori e Milena Tipaldo
Animazione classica Milena Tipaldo
Animazione After Effect e Compositing Alessandra Atzori
Sound design Carlo Nardi
Progetto tecnico allestitivo
Figuranti Alberto Atzori, Tommaso Atzori, Donatella Cavallari, Salvatore Centoducati, Salvatore Cubello, Ilaria Monteverdi

Project Made For

