Alexander Hampl's profile

Speaking of the spiritual

Our entry for the RSA Student Award 2013
Problem and solution you might think of
Our society has become less and less religious, most of us don‘t follow the rules of one particular religion anymore. What is on offer however, are plenty of spiritual programms that lead us to a better way of life by simply following some techniques and steps.
The real problem
We think the problem lies much deeper. We believe it is the loss of spiritual values. Our society and we need to survive and function in a healthy way. These values have lost their importance, they are simply forgotten or ignored. This we believe creates a huge void in people’s life’ and to fill this void we consume goods, garments, food, alcohol, drugs, entertainment & holidays.
A material solution for a spiritual problem.
The ‚solution‘
Our solution may not be offering a spiritual guide or step by step programme but it tries to create awareness of this spiritual void in our life’s; that our values have become too materialistic and that there just may be something else and more to life then purchasing the next gadget.
Our idea
We are presenting images in an arthistorical context. Our photos are a restaging of famous and familiar pieces of art. This familiarity allows the viewer a recognition but equally a bewilderment through the act of restaging, hopefully it will raise the question of overconsumption and material values. The claim (and title of the brief) ‚Speaking of the spiritual’ will help to question our behavior and meaning of it all.
Finally, the poster campaign
The photos will be placed as posters around town on huge
billboards you can‘t run from, they are ‚staring‘ at you.
And that‘s it
Think for yourself
by David Sindlinger and Alexander Hampl
Speaking of the spiritual

Speaking of the spiritual

RSA Student Award 2013 entry
