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Silkscreen Printing | Local Culture Series

Local Culture Series | Silkscreen Printing 

This series contains 4 pieces of artwork were created for a Silkscreen Printing class by using different kind of printing methods. The graphic were designed using Photoshop and Illustrator software by compiling the online sources or by the artist's own photos.​​​​​​​

Screen Filler Stencils Method
This artwork elaborates the Samsui women who migrated in the early twentieth century from Sanshui in China to what is today Singapore to work as unskilled laborers in the construction industry. Although the artist was not born in Singapore, she was watching Channel 8 TV programs during the process of growing up. The story of the Samsui women is somehow imprinted in her memory. Therefore, it hopes to awaken others’ memories as well.

Photo Stencils Method
This artwork inspired by the scene of everyday life. It aims to bring out the compassion towards the scavenger. They are hardworking, assiduous and painstaking. Monochrome color scheme was required to apply for the project's requirement. 

This photo was taken for Nanyang Old Coffee as a publicity material. The photo is not just a cup of coffee but it connects with a lot of emotions through those old items and the old photo. Before applying to CMYK printing method, it is required to separate the colour in Photoshop and to add the halftone effect. The layers' setting are as below:
C Angle = 15 degrees
M Angle = 90 degrees
Y Angle = 75 degrees
K Angle = 45 degrees

Photo Stencils + Gradient Halftone Effect
Coffee shop, a place with lot of human touch and interaction. Nowadays, people is always rushing every day and not having much leisure time. How long since we had a proper chat with your family or friends? By capturing the human interaction at the coffee shop, it aims to reminds us not remember to have an interaction or chat with a loved one and not be boiled down by technology all the time. It is also seen as a portrayal of your daily life, on what is happening around you but you didn’t notice. 

Silkscreen Printing | Local Culture Series

Silkscreen Printing | Local Culture Series
