Xin Ee Ho's profile

Advertising Campaign - Don't Talk Rubbish

Environmental issues
Littering in Malaysia
Rampant littering has long been a problem across Malaysia. The awareness level of littering among Malaysians is high, but we don’t take it seriously. All it takes is one person to throw rubbish there and others will follow. We may be living in the 21st century with the latest gadgets and technology one can dream of, but our attitude when it comes to the concept of responsibility is down in the pits and definitely behind the times.

Currently, the common places for people to dispose of their waste are in the rivers and on the streets. Many are more likely to litter on the roads while driving because they are more concerned with the cleanliness of their vehicle rather than to maintain the cleanliness of the public areas. Littering on the road has become a phenomenon in Malaysia. Often, people arbitrarily throw the trash out of their vehicles regardless of the security of other road users especially  motorcyclists.

In a recent study, the National Geographic cited Malaysia as one of the top eight countries generating the ocean’s public waste.
The issue we are facing
Disposal of waste such as plastic food wrappers and tissues, while driving can endanger the lives of other road users as plastic and paper, are lightweight and easily blown by the wind. It is feared that the garbage could block the front visuals of motorcyclists and, block hit the front screen of other vehicles where cause them to lose focus on what is in front of them, leading to disastrous consequences.

In addition, the disposal of garbage on the road also can worsen the cleanliness as well as pollute the air with the stench. Streets are the main route used by everyone, including tourists from abroad. Roads filled with trash adversely affect the dignity of the country. In fact, we may even be labelled as polluters. Cleanliness is a major force in attracting foreign tourists.

Littering on the road can also affect the health of residents nearby. Piles of rubbish at the roadside can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes such as Aedes. The stench coming out of the garbage can attract rodents and flies. Mosquitoes, rats and flies are vectors carrying infectious diseases.

The awareness level of littering among Malaysians is high, but we don’t take it seriously. People seems to don’t care about the consequences. All it takes is one person to throw rubbish there and others will follow. In this case, we will be creating an campaign in to solve the issues.

This campaign will be included
- Poster
- Phone Apps
- Billboard advertisement

Campaign logo design
Poster design
Proper English
Poster design
Malaysian Slang
Newspaper advertisement 
Billboard promoting poster
This poster is for promotion the app, so consumer just need to scan the QR code to understand the purpose of the app.
Report the litterer
Car sticker
Report the litterer
Flash mob
Board for flash mob
This board have two faces. The purpose of having flash mob it’s because we will be choosing an area to film why Malaysian always keep littering. We know that we shouldn’t do it, but still some Malaysian don’t care and keep doing the same mistake.
So once we saw someone litters, the flash mob character will be holding this board and run towards the litterer by pointing them with the board. By embarrassing them, people tend to change their behaviour.
Thank you for viewing my project.
If you have any questions or comment, feel free to drop me a message :D
Advertising Campaign - Don't Talk Rubbish

Advertising Campaign - Don't Talk Rubbish
