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How to handle the dark days of the depression

How to handle the dark days of the depression
How to handle the dark days of the depression
This illustration”How to handle the dark days of depression” inspired by an article about four researchers have some psychological problems caused by huge pressure from heavy research workload and other impacts.
When I started this illustration, I was suffered a bit by the depression. I've had dark days like I've been stuck in one bottle and people around me just coming and going.I felt like that I've been only relying on my own and just wanted to cry all day at that time.
Those days I call them "Dark Days" and I feel lucky that I finally get through it.
The most interesting part of creating process is how I use different textures and grey colors to show the depressed mood and environment in this illustration.Some textures I made by digital brush which I created by myself, some ones I used ink on paper and scanned them into the computer.Those combinations of traditional and digital skills turned out better than I thought. I would explore more ways to fully express inner feelings and to tell good stories by visual language.
How to handle the dark days of the depression


How to handle the dark days of the depression
