majic - Get an offline diary of your online posts.
Evernote Berlin hackathon.


majic aggregates your tweets, updates, photos and check-ins into a daily offline diary in Evernote.
In today's fast world, everyone's on the go and barely anyone still keeps a diary. However, people are always tweeting, sharing photos and posting updates into an endless stream of information in which this content will get lost in a few days.
While other apps focus on aggregating your friends' updates into one feed, majic does the opposite by aggregating your own posts and archiving them in Evernote on a note per day basis. 
All you have to do is connect your Evernote account with majic, and then connect your Facebook, Twitter, EyeEm and Foursquare accounts and that's it. Majic then seamlessly and effortlessly aggregates your daily posts on these platforms, and generates daily notes of them in a timeline pattern in Evernote. These notes will then be available offline, and on all your devices running Evernote.


Get an offline diary of your online posts.
