Hommage á Miklos Radnoti (1909-1944)

Forced march / Illustration of the poem Miklós Radnóti / 42×59 cm / digital print / 2018   

My illustration based on  Miklós Radnóti 's Poem “Forced march”. I used the original manuscript in the background.  
I was creating a layered background effect with the combination the red color and a transparent photo base.
The basic layers
Researching the poet's background
Miklos Radnoti 's childhood photo

Photo of Miklos Radnoti in Szeged/Hungary, 1932.

The original manuscript of Miklos Radnoti  / 1944

Forced March 

He's foolish who, once down, resumes his weary beat,
A moving mass of cramps on restless human feet,
Who rises from the ground as if on borrowed wings,
Untempted by the mire to which he dare not cling,
Who, when you ask him why, flings back at you a word
Of how the thought of love makes dying less absurd.
Poor deluded fool, the man's a simpleton,
About his home by now only the scorched winds run,
His broken walls lie flat, his orchard yields no fruit,
His familiar nights go clad in terror's rumpled suit.
Oh could I but believe that such dreams had a base
Other than in my heart, some native resting place;
If only once again I heard the quiet hum
Of bees on the verandah, the jar of orchard plums
Cooling with late summer, the gardens half asleep,
Voluptuous fruit lolling on branches dipping deep,
And she before the hedgerow stood with sunbleached hair,
The lazy morning scrawling vague shadows on the air ...
Why not? The moon is full, her circle is complete.
Don't leave me, friend, shout out, and see! I'm on my feet!

Illustrations 2019

The fruit of this research was collected in so many illustrations... after so many layered background effects ...

Portrait I. / 2019
Trees of Szeged with background of the Note book I. / 2019
Preparing to the Exhibition...
The openning in the EOTVOS10 Gallery Budapest.
Hommage á Miklós Radnóti

Hommage á Miklós Radnóti
