As part of the National Student Advertising Competition [NSAC], the Ringling College of Art + Design's Creative Suite Students, were challenged to reposition Nissan's target audience to multicultural millennials.
After a very intense concept developement phase, we produced the concept statement: Undefinable. Representing Nissan's new relationship with multicultural millennials. I produced several mood boards to help my team visualize what exactly is Undefinable in the world of cars.
Below are three frames, created for the :30 second commercial. The commercial was concepted, storyboarded, modeled using C4D and filmed by myself, Aaron Goldberg, and Courtney Cox. In addition to the commercial together we designed and animated several apps, web pages, and billboards. 
The Plans Book outlined our entire team's research, concept development, execution, media planning as well as a self evaluation of the campaign as a whole. 
Included in the Plans Book, apps, posters and various other are outlets promoting the Undefinable campaign.
NSAC: 2012

NSAC: 2012

NSAC: 2012
