Charlie Vallejos's profile

Inception Movie posters

1. Consider what the goal of your design is: What is the assignment; describe it clearly in your own words
What is a typographic poster?
Typography is all about delivering art and information in a beautiful medium. Designing typographic posters is no easy task, and arranging and modifying each individual component is a skilled task. Not only that, special care has to be taken when it comes to the legibility and aesthetics of the fonts being used in the poster, choosing a type that works well together and conveys the right impression.
What is unique about this project?

What will be the challenge for your to succeed in this design?
Coming with two different styles to take advantage of and use in meaningful ways to boost my message
What is the goal of typographic poster?
The Goal of the poster would be to get across the message using typography as the vocal point of the design

     Design Process STAGE 2: Research and Investigate
Always record every resource either as a cited source or a linked resource with documentation on your project page.
2. Research information topic thoroughly
The pictures labeled below with a 2 are part of my research process when investigating similar posters

     Design Process STAGE 3: Generate Possible Solutions
3. Brainstorm ideas for visual imagery representing elements of your topic 
The Pictures bellow that have 3s were part of my brainstorm and generate solutions step. 

4. thumbnail ideas 
For my thumbnail ideas I came up with the top idea as the main focus of my design and then around it I made the city emerging. I liked the idea of people falling as well and wanted to ass that into my design, So i thus added the bathtub at first on the right side with the intentions of having another different scene on the left. 

     Design Process STAGE 4: Select and Develop Best Solution
5. Select the best solution
Focus on possible color schemes
Document what Principles and Elements you will utilize
Carefully consider fonts to be used (beware of crazy display fonts, they are often cheesy!)
How will you create hierarchy of information? (Define what is most important and least important in the design)
For my design I chose to keep the cities down at the bottom because I thought it was instantly recognizable, But i replaced the bathtub, and the idea of two separate sides for instead a design of people falling on both side in an asymmetrical way.

      Design Process STAGE 5: Model and Prototype (Create)
6. Begin production of your design
Artwork must be exactly sized with a resolution of 300ppi
Practice, develop or refine new skills you are exploring.
Remember Craftmanship matters. It shows you care!
I worked for multiple days at home to finish my first poster and even went out of my way to watch the movie for the first time. I think my hard worked payed off and I am proud of my final products

     Design Process STAGE 6: Test and Evaluate
7. Self-reflect on your design
Final Designs at the top

Inception Movie posters

Inception Movie posters


Creative Fields