Jude Dias's profile

Being Fat | is NOT | a Sin

So recently a friend whom I know was told, by an Anon. on her tumblr blog, that she was fat and that it was a sin to be fat. Now I am not sure of all the details that went into that situation but all I know was that it led to a lot of comments and thoughts and opinions. 
Now to be honest it was the first time I had ever heard of such a concept - to be fat / overweight is a sin and frankly it baffled me and so I used good ol' google to research on it and I was actually surprised the find the huge number of sources that actually said that it was a sin to be overweight. There was even a tumblr blog titled - To be Fat is a Sin. Now I've no idea where people get their Biblical sources from but I just did some Bible reading and spent some quality time with God just to explore this idea and I found that the Bible and Christ Himself had to say otherwise in regards to the topic.
Therefore with that in mind, I decided that I should write up a blog post listing out all that I happened to find out through the Bible with concern to the topic and me being who I am, knew that there should be some awesome handwritten type to accompany my post and this is what you are seeing right now- bits of my process and the final design. Now that this is done, it's time to write the post itself.
Getting There
All Done... on paper
The Melting Equals
The Sharp Edged Sin
Being Fat | is NOT | a Sin

Being Fat | is NOT | a Sin

Just my take on Fat being NOT a sin.
