Pollution of the environment is one of the global problems of humanity.
This series of photos is created under the influence of guilt for a scale cult of excessive consumption and is aimed to looking for a beauty in the garbage found on the coast of a lake.
The random compositions are made up of colorful plastic covers and straws - rubbish, which has no place in our nature.
Every minute, one garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into the ocean, what has already led to over 5 trillion pieces of plastic currently littering our beautiful waters. Every piece of plastic that has ever been made – ever – is still here on our planet Earth, and currently only 9 percents of  world’s plastic is recycled.
This change is dedicated to the future of our environment and humanity to be truly sustainable – to clean up the ocean for the sake of our planet and future generations.
All of us still need a plenty of time to learn being humans.
Let us save what we have so far and what is really precious.​​​​

