Face your fears.​​​​​​​
All people (despite their race, color, beliefs...) have their fears. And, none of them is worse or better than the other. They are different and, within their difference, it's difficult to pass through them. I have my fears too. Some are bigger than the others, as every people's fears. It's up to each one, if we want, fight against them. With this project, that's what I've tried to do. Overcome him or, at least, live better in his presence. 

(Greek Phobos, or, fear)
Female noun
1. Persistent pathological fear.
2. Exaggerated fear or great aversion.
«Phobias refer to the excessive fear of an object, circumstance or specific situation, part of the framework of anxiety disorders.»


Female name
Psychology: fear or pathological aversion to clowns.
«It's one thing not to like clowns, another to be afraid of them.»
Symptoms: Excessive sweating, nausea, feelings of fear. fast heartbeat and breathing crying and screaming, irritation for having been placed in a situation where clowns are present.

How it beggins...
And some work in progress...
A final touch...
And done.
Always work to surprise yourself. Work everyday to overcome all your difficulties, fears, uncertainties. That will be how the big projects, your dreams and goals are born.
This project was made in Digital Tools module at LSD - Lisbon School of Design

Face the Fear

Face the Fear

«Phobias refer to the excessive fear of an object, circumstance or specific situation, part of the framework of anxiety disorders.»
